Thursday, 19 January 2017

How a Security Surveillance System Can Streamline Factory Security?

A security surveillance system can streamline factory security like never before. There are many reasons to introspect on the security challenges of factories and production units and the methods that business enterprises deploy to beef up industrial security. While the old fashioned methods of deploying security staff is still in vogue, it comes with its demerits of being manually operated and hence being less efficient. Second there are chances that the occurrence of a mishap at any point of time calls for records, evidences and eye witnesses from people that are reliable and always present on the campus. Third, in case of the factory being spread over a large area it becomes impossible to keep an eye on the entire campus with even the greatest numbers of staffs. Fourth, depending on security staff is still dependence on some people and not the way to forming independent view points and deciding in the best interests of business. This calls for a closer scrutiny of the traditional manual methods of security deployment and hence a switch to modern security surveillance system and CCTV installation. 

With the modern CCTV installation, the security surveillance system achieves high efficiency and effectiveness. A CCTV installation that has presence across multiple points on the campus of the factory and can be monitored by the top management and supervisory team all the time is a much better alternative to traditional methods of security that have been tried in the past. First it has been observed that people behave differently when they know that they are being watched and hence the dynamics of group formation and group behaviour get altered in the presence of CCTV installation. When people know that they are being watched they are bound to be more restrained in their actions even in the face of anxiety and shall behave accordingly. This brings us to the second point. A security surveillance system that is driven by CCTV camera installations is bound to provide real time video and still footages of the exact incidents instead of having to depend on others for eye witness accounts that may differ due to inherent misunderstandings and beneath the surface organizational politics and hostilities. Third it is also seen that legal compliance and investigations are easily handled by using CCTV installation footages and hence create a respect for law and order among the workers in the factory campus. This in itself is a proactive measure towards maintaining discipline and harmony on the premises of the factory. It is always better to be safe than sorry and hence it is advisable to move on to a modern security surveillance system and a CCTV installation to beef up security.  

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