Sunday, 12 February 2017

Biometric Systems Dubai Educational Enterprises Can Use to Secure the Perimeters of Campuses

Biometric systems Dubai has to offer can be used by educational institutions in Dubai to secure the perimeters of their campuses. Dubai is the home to some of the most happening research and development centres and universities in the Middle East and boasts of a good number of business schools as well. These educational institutions are getting with the day and closing in on the counterparts in the West. Given that these colleges, universities and R&D centres invite some of the best human capital for the purposes of study, teaching and research, it makes sense to ask about the steps that these campuses are taking in order to create the ambiance of academics. One of the vital aspects of sustaining the sincere academic culture is to see to it that foreign elements and unwanted people that create disturbances are kept at bay. The reason to say so is that academic institutions thrive on the culture of studies and a no-nonsense approach to enforcing discipline. While it may sound a bit Victorian when talking of sparing the rod and spoiling the children, we are talking of the opposite here, i.e. spare the children and use technology so that you do not have to use the rod on anybody. A smart and intelligent way to do so is for educational institutions to make use of biometric systems Dubai has to offer.

Access control systems and biometric systems are very much in vogue today across most campuses in the world. Access control systems that are used at the entry and exit point of campuses have the effect of stopping leakage of foreign elements into the campus right at the door step. It also help to maintain the records of all people that are stepping into the campus and allowing only those people that are entitled to do so. Access control Dubai has to offer is right among the best in the world and very much at par with the elite group of nations like the U.S and western European nations. These access control systems coupled with biometric systems Dubai offers, provide a simple and effective technological platform to educational institutions to streamline and strengthen their campuses to maintain a serene, calm and disciplined ambiance that is the key to academic success.

More over a biometric system and an access control system can be used at various points inside the campus to determine the entry of people on a need to enter basis. For example the staff room, hi-tech labs, examination cells and other areas inside the campus need to be kept safe and secure. It makes sense for Dubai institutions to embrace access control systems and biometric systems. The time is now!

Monday, 6 February 2017

Dot Matrix Printer Cartridge and Ink Cartridge Dubai MSMEs Can Look Forward To

The dot matrix cartridge and ink cartridge Dubai MSMEs have, can change the way business is done. One of the crucial functions of business in the informal economy in any country is the way communication is done. This includes written communication for the purposes of billing, invoicing, purchase indent generation, keeping stocks of inventories and filling of documents. These are just few of the examples of the importance of written communication. One of the fundamental issues with the MSMEs is that they belong to the informal economy because their way of communication is not streamlined. Across all functions that have been mentioned above they make use of implicit codes that legitimise the use of encoded language and meanings. Thus they never maintain a system and a structure for the business that they do. Given that there are string incentives for tax evasion and tax avoidance, it makes perfect sense for them to continue with the informal billing, informal invoicing and informal stock keeping using a manual entry system. This actually does more harm than good. 

To begin changing things MSMEs need to get used to formalising communication in every sphere of business. That begins with changing the way entries are done and replacing the informal codes of communication with the use of dot matrix printer and dot matrix printer cartridge. The dot matrix ink cartridge Dubai offers to MSMEs is reasonably prices, easily available, has very low maintenance costs and is within the budget of the MSMEs. Given that MSMEs usually work with far less working capita budgeting than their more illustrious multinational counterparts, it makes sense to take one step at a time while opting for low cost and easy devices like the dot matrix printer and dot matrix printer cartridge. 

The use of printer cartridge by MSMEs shall add more trust to the market. Customers that belong to the upwardly mobile classes shy away from making purchases from unorganised retail outlets that do not give them a formal receipt with a VAT/GST number. The use of bills and invoices generated using printer cartridges shall add these lost customers to the target audience and increase sales. While costs may increase marginally, given the cosmopolitan nature of consumers in Dubai, the revenues from doing so shall far exceed the costs. Further the dot matrix printer cartridge is one of the most affordable ones available in the market and is easy to use. The prints are of legible standards and serve the basic purposes that we have referred to above. As such it makes good business sense for MSMEs in Dubai to be making use of dot matrix printer cartridges to formalise communication and formalise business. 

Friday, 3 February 2017

Give a Brand New Feel to the Office with the PABX System Dubai Offers

The PABX system Dubai offers is one great thing that should be on your office purchase list this year. Think of this. A customer or a client calls your office in search of some information. The office has multiple departments and the customer needs to navigate to the exact department in need of some information. How do you handle his call? You receive the call asking him to hold. The receptionist directs him/her to the desired extension number. Else you make use of a PABX system Dubai offers and the system is automated to direct the customer to the desired extension umber without him having to wait for any manual intervention. The outcomes in both these scenarios shall not be the same. It shall be different. 

In the first instance the customer pauses a moment, understands that there are people in the office that get to know of every call that is made meaning that there is an unnecessary splurging of confidential office information. It also means delay in communication during which the customer can change his mind set. Third the customer understands that the enterprise that he has called makes use of outdated manual systems and hence is a slow mover when it comes to adoption of best practices for standard office practices. Fourth the customer gets to know that the other person may have a premeditated answer ready for him that is artificial. 

On the other hand the use of a PABX system navigates him to the exact point. The customer knows that every time he calls a number, it shall be him to talking to the other desired person. Second, he shall know that there is no third person involved. Third, the PABX system records the conversation and hence the office staff can listen to the conversation later on. Fourth, the perception formed is that the enterprise is a modern one that stays abreast of the latest and the best practices of work culture at the office. 

The benefits of the use of a PABX system Dubai offers are not imaginary. The manner in which communication is executed, recorded and navigated has a bearing in creating trust in the minds of people and that is fundamentally what business is all about. Second, gone are those days when a telephone operator was required for the PBX system in order to direct and navigate calls. Offices in the 21st century need to get adjusted new ways of doing business and upholding benchmarks. The sooner they do it, the better it shall be for their business. Old is gold only when the stuff itself is gold. For anything else, it is the new that is hot and happening. The PABX system Dubai offers is hot, it’s happening and in vogue!